Discover the Joys of Nature in Our Butterfly House


a monarch butterfly on a leaf

Time has a way of speeding by, doesn’t it? One moment we’re welcoming the warmth of summer, and the next, autumn is creeping at our doorsteps. Here at Settlers Lifestyle Village, we believe in savoring life’s small moments—the kind that are easy to overlook but hold some of life’s deepest joys. For us, nothing captures this philosophy more beautifully than our treasured Butterfly House, a serene haven for both our residents and the graceful Monarch butterflies.

A Nature Sanctuary for Everyone

Our Butterfly House isn’t just a home for butterflies—it’s a sanctuary where life’s natural beauty thrives. Inside, residents can witness the miraculous cycle of life unfold, from the delicate laying of Monarch eggs to their transformation into caterpillars, chrysalises, and finally, butterflies. The awe of watching these graceful creatures flutter around has created a space where joy, nature, and community come together.

Unfortunately, Monarch eggs have been scarce in recent months. Despite seeing many butterflies in our area, egg shortages are a challenge nationwide. To sustain the population and ensure our residents continue to enjoy this first-hand glimpse of nature’s wonders, we’ve taken extra steps to address this scarcity. Caterpillars have been brought in from other parts of Auckland, and we are working toward boosting butterfly numbers in late March and April to help sustain the local population through the colder months. Together with the Butterfly Association, which generously donated thriving caterpillars to our Butterfly House, we’re nurturing this beautiful cycle of life.

Butterflies and Community Building

Beyond its role as a home to Monarchs, the Butterfly House is a place that brings our residents together. Breeding butterflies has become a passion—it’s thrilling to watch the awe, wonder, and excitement spread as residents gather to observe new hatches or the emergence of a butterfly from its chrysalis. This shared love for the project connects our community in a meaningful way, reminding us of the beauty life offers when we pause to take it all in.

And the joy doesn’t stop there. We actively support butterfly conservation efforts through regular contributions to the Butterfly Association, ensuring this important ecological work continues. It’s just one of the ways our Village inspires both a sense of community and care for the world beyond its walls.

Join Us and Experience the Butterfly House

Have you had the chance to experience the serenity of our Butterfly House? If not, we invite you to see it for yourself. Attend one of our Open Days to stroll through our lush gardens, tour available homes, meet our friendly residents, and, of course, visit the Butterfly House—it’s a highlight you simply can’t miss.

At Settlers Lifestyle Village, we celebrate the big moments as well as the small, meaningful ones that fill each day with joy and purpose. Whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee with a neighbor or watching a Monarch take flight for the first time, you’ll find these moments of connection and nature are woven into the fabric of our community.

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